Electric vehicle chargepoint and infrastructure grants for landlords
This grant is split into two parts, with one being available to commercial landlords only and both parts being available for residential landlords.
Electric vehicle (EV) chargepoint grant
This section of the grant gives you money off the cost of installing chargepoint socket.
Customers get 75% off the cost to buy and install a socket, up to a maximum of £350 per socket.
You can claim up to 200 grants a year for residential properties and 100 for commercial properties.
Electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure grant
This part of the grant gives you money off the cost of wider building and installation work, that's needed to install multiple chargepoint sockets.
Using both grants you can get money off sockets you are installing now and then money towards the infrastructure such as posts, foundations and wiring for units in the future.
This grant is only available for residential landlords in residential car parks. 30 grants can be received each financial year.
For more information follow the link below